General Electric SR469-P5-HI-A20-E
General Electric SR469-P5-HI-A20-E
Module Clips Drive controller servo motor
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Design and Implementation of CPCI Data Bus Interface
CPCI bus is the current popular high-speed embedded computer bus. At present, most of the interfaces of embedded computer systems will eventually interact with computer memory through CPCI bus. The bus specification of CPCI ensures its good compatibility and reliability.
The system designed in this paper uses the CPCI protocol conversion chip PCI9054 produced by PLX company, and generates corresponding control signals in FPGA through Verilog HDL language to complete the fast reading and writing of data, thus realizing high-speed data communication with CPCI bus.
1 System design General Electric SR469-P5-HI-A20-E
The system is mainly composed of PCI9054 and FPGA. The system structure diagram and signal connection are shown in Figure 1. By using the programmability of FPGA, more extended functions can be realized, such as indirect high-speed communication with DSP, A/D and other different rates. The function of the protocol conversion chip PCI9054 is to ensure that the data between the local data acquisition board and the main CPU board can be transmitted quickly and accurately.
2 PCI9054 performance analysis
PCI9054 is a general interface chip based on PCI V2.2 bus specification produced by PLX Company. It supports single byte mode and burst mode. Its bus end supports 32-bit/33 MHz transmission, and the local end can reach the maximum transmission rate of 132 Mbit · s-1 through burst mode, and can control and change the bus width of the local end.
PCI9054 can be seen as a bridge between CPCI bus and local user local bus. Because PCI9054 has six programmable FIFO memories for data caching, so as to ensure the correctness and real-time of data transmission between them. In addition, PCI9054 allows either end to control the bus as the master device, and the other end to respond to the bus as the target device.
PCI9054 has a number of register groups inside to control the working status and working mode of its two ends. PCI9054 performs unified address mapping for all register groups and FIFOs in it. Users can access all FIFOs and each byte of register groups through programming from both ends to view the working status of both ends and change the working mode of both ends.
3 Interface design of PCI9054 local bus
The design idea of the whole CPCI interface is as follows: FPGA is connected to the CPCI bus through the bridge chip PCI9054, and its internal uses asynchronous dual-port RAM to buffer high-speed data. The asynchronous dual-port RAM in FPGA is controlled by using Verilog HDL language programming to realize high-speed transmission of system data between the embedded CUP board memory and the CPCI board.
PCI9054 provides three physical bus interfaces: CPCI bus interface, LOCAL bus interface and serial EPROM interface. The driver package of the CPCI bus interface protocol in the embedded operating system has been included, and the initialization of the serial EEPROM is written online by PLX”s PLXMON software in the embedded operating system. Therefore, the focus of the system design is on the control and transmission of the local bus interface. The interface circuit diagram is shown in Figure 2.
ABB 张力计 PFCL201CD-20.0KN 3BSE029774R20 张力控制系统
ABB 张力计 PFCL201CE-20.0KN 3BSE027062R20 张力控制器
ABB 张力计 PFTL101AE-2.0KN 3BSE004213R1 枕式传感器
ABB 张力计 PFTL101B-5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 压力测量 库存
ABB 张力控制模块 PFEA113-20 3BSE050092R20 库存 PFEA113 20
ABB 张力控制模块 PFEA11X-20 原装进口 PFEA11X20 库存有货
ABB 张力控制器 PFCL201CD-50.0KN 3BSE029774R50 库存
ABB 张力控制器 PFTL 101AE-1.0KN 3BSE004212R1 枕式称重 库存
ABB 张力控制器 PFTL101B5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 库存
ABB 张力控制器 PFTL101BE-5.0KN 3BSE004215R1 张力计
ABB 张力控制器 PFTL101BER-5.0KN 3BSE023159R1 径向称重器
ABB 张力控制器压头 PFTL201C 50KN 3BSE007913R50
ABB 张力控制系统 PFTL101BE-20.0KN 3BSE004217R1 称重传感器
ABB 枕式称重传感器 PFCL201CD-10.0KN 3BSE029774R10 张力计
ABB 中继器模块 DSPC173 57310001-MT 处理器板 DSPC-173 库存
ABB 中继调制解调器模块 TC514V2 3BSE013281R1 双绞线/光纤
ABB 子架模块 RF520 3BSE000741R1 框架 瑞典进口 库存
ABB 自动化控制板 PMA323BE HIEE300308R1 PLC系统 库存
ABB 自由控制器 Lite CPU模块 PM901F 3BDH001001R0001 原装库存
ABB 综合保护装置 REF615 REF615C REF615C-D 库存 电机保护
ABB触摸屏 PP885 3BSE069276R1 触控面板 PLC系统
ABB电路板 FSK162 3BSE015088R1 控制器 FSK 162 输入输出模块
ABB机器人系统 储存模块 DSMB175 57360001-KG 内存卡件 DSMB 175
Bailey 贝利网络处理模块 INNPM01 Infi 90 ABB板卡 库存
CI615AC100 ABB PLC模块 可编程控制器 库存CI615 CI系列
DI610 ABB 模拟输入模块 DCS系统 控制系统
CI627 ABB 总线输出 ABB断路器 雄霸为您报价
DSBC173 ABB模块 57310001-KH 总线中继器板卡 DSBC 173 库存
DSBC175 3BUR001661R1 ABB S100 I/O总线耦合器模块
DSMB123 内存模块 57360001-AH3 ABB控制系统 DSMB 123 库存
DSMB137 ABB 机器人内存模块 57360001-FA 库存 DSMB 137
DSPC174 ABB主控CPU模块 3BSE005461R1 处理器板 DSPC-174 库存
CI520V1 ABB 总线输出 ABB断路器 雄霸为您报价
GE I/O适配器板 DS200ADPBG1ABB 涡轮系统适配器模块 库存
GE 电力控制系统 IS200DTAIH1ABB 燃气轮机模块 原装 库存
AX722F 3BDH000377R0001 ABB 模拟输入/输出模块
AO845A ABB模拟输出装置
AO610 ABB 控制模块 雄霸为您报价
AI830A ABB 模拟输入单元 控制系统
AI723F 3BDH000376R0001 ABB 模拟输入模块
ABB原厂供应 3BHE024855R0101 UFC921A101一年
ABB通讯模件 EI813F FI830F 通讯卡件 优惠折扣 一年
ABB瑞士ICS Triplex T8842模拟输入模块
ABB瑞士 NTRL02B 模拟输入模块 全系列
ABB瑞士 NMPC01 模拟输出模块 全系列
ABB瑞士 INIIT02 处理器模块 全系列
ABB励磁系统 UNITROL1010 3BHE035301R1002 UNS0121A-Z,V1
ABB底座 GRBTU 3BSE013175R1 模拟输出模块配件
ABB1年质保 PFCL201CE 50KN枕块式张力计垂直测压元件
ABB_UNITROL1020-0004_DCS系统模块 进口工控备件
ABB 输入耦合单元 KSD211B101 3BHE022455R1101 UNITROL6000
ABB 逆变控制器 UAD155 AC800PEC 处理器 原装进口 库存
ABB 模拟输出模块 UAD154A 3BHE026866R0101 原装进口 库存
ABB 模拟量输入模块 AI880A 3BSE039293R1 S800 I/O单元
ABB 模拟量输入模块 AI610 3BHT300000R1 S600I/O单元
ABB 模拟量输出模块 UAD149A00-0-11 3BHE014135R0011 库存
ABB 模拟量I/O模块 07AC91 GJR5252300R0101 控制器 库存
ABB 模块 高压变频逆变器 5SHX14H4502 原装进口 库存
ABB 励磁模块 UNS4881B-V4 3BHE009949R0004 逆变器配件 库存
ABB 高压控制板 5SHX1960L0004 IGCT可控硅卡 逆变器 库存
ABB 贝利 INIIT12 Infi-Net 传输模块 可编程控制模块 库存
ABB UNITROL1020-0007 DSP信号处理模块 CPU模块
ABB UNITROL1020-0006FULL CPU处理器模块 进口电气产品
ABB UNITROL1010/UNITROL1010无刷励磁系统电压调节器
ABB UNITROL 1010 间接励磁系统 10 ADC电流
ABB UNITROL 1005 模块 控制器
ABB UNITROL 1000 模块 控制器
ABB UFC721BE101 3BHE021889R0101 输出模拟板 控制板主板
ABB UDC920BE 模拟量扩展模块 工控备件模块库存 库存有货
ABB TP854 3BSE025349R1 模拟量输出模块 CI854底座
ABB PPD103-B03-10-150000 模拟量扩展模块 控制器
ABB PM861A 模拟量扩展模块 停产备件
ABB PM2210 3183210731 Unitronic 2200 处理器模块
ABB Phase S-073N 相位模块 3BHB009884R0021 逆变控制器
ABB PE1315A 模拟量扩展模块 停产备件
ABB PCD232 3BHE022293R0101 UNITROL 6000 通讯模块 PC D232 A
ABB P4LQA HENF209736R0003 控制板 模拟输入模块
ABB INIIT13现货型号齐全
ABB IMMP101 模拟输入模块 全系列
ABB IMDSI13 模拟输入模块 进口备件
ABB IIMCP02 模拟输入模块 全系列
ABB IIMCP01 模拟输出模块 进口备件
ABB EI813F 模拟量输出模块 DCS通信模块
ABB DSDP150 57160001-GF 脉冲输入/输出 模拟输出模块
ABB DSAO130A 3BSE018294R1 模拟输出模块 DSAO 130A 16通道
ABB DSAO130 模拟输出单元 57120001-FG DSAO 130 16通道 PLC
ABB DSAO120A 模拟输出模块 3BSE018293R1 DSAO-120A PLC板卡
ABB DSAO120 模拟输出卡件 57120001-EY DSAO-120 PLC模块
ABB DSAO-110 模拟输出模块 57120001-AT DSAO110
ABB DSAI146 模拟输入单元 DSAI 146 3BSE007949R1 PLC模块
ABB DSAI146 OCS RTD 输入模块 模拟输入单元
ABB DSAI145A 模拟输入模块 57120001-ND DSAI-145A 模拟板
ABB DSAI145 模拟量输入模块 57120001-HA/2 DSAI-145
ABB DSAI140 模拟输入模块 DSAI-140 贝利 库存现货 DSAI 140
ABB DSAI133 模拟输入模块 Y57120001-PS DSAI-133
ABB DSAI130D 模拟输入模块 3BSE003127R1 DSAI-130D
PM856A ABB CPU模块 PM 856A AC 800M 控制器通信接口 库存
PM860 ABB 控制器模块 PM 860 处理器单元 PM860AK01-EA 库存
PM864A ABB控制系统模块 CPU单元 PM 864A 3BSE01816R1
PP835 ABB触摸屏 Panel 800 3BSE043446R501 操作屏 有库存
PP836A ABB Panel 800 3BSE042237R2 控制面板 触摸屏
PPC322BE ABB HIEE300900R0001 PP C322 BE1 处理器单元 模块
REF610C55LCNR ABB电机保护继电器 REF610C11HCNN 库存
REF615E REF615E-D REF615E-E ABB馈线保护继电器 库存
REM610C51HCNN ABB综合继电保护装置 REF610C55LCNN 库存
ABB DSAI130D 模拟输入板
ABB DSAI130D 3BSE018290R1 模拟输入卡
ABB DSAI130A 模拟输入模块 3BSE018292R1 DSAI 130A 16通道
ABB DSAI130 模拟输入板卡 57120001-P DSAI 130 模块 库存
ABB DSAI 133A 32通道模拟输入模块 DSAI133A 3BSE018290R1
ABB Base Unit 主机单元 REF542PLUS S/N:1VFSJ062638V300
ABB BAILEY INNIS21 网络接口模块 INNIS-21 库存 6644762B1
ABB Bailey INNIS11 Infi-90 网络接口模块总成 6644063B1 库存
ABB Bailey INNIS01 INFI 90 网络接口模块 库存 原装进口
ABB Bailey INIPT02 Infi 网络通信 环路传输模块 Infi90 库存
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4.15 days free replacement for quality problems
1.Has been engaged in industrial control industry for a long time, with a large number of inventories.
2.Industry leading, price advantage, quality assurance
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4.15 days free replacement for quality problems
All kinds of module card driver controller servo motor servo motor embedded card wires and cables Power module control module is applicable to steel, hydropower, nuclear power, power generation, glass factory, tire factory, rubber, thermal power, paper making, shipping, navigation, etc
ABB — AC 800M controller, Bailey, PM866 controller, IGCT silicon controlled 5SHY 3BHB01 3BHE00 3HNA00 DSQC series
BENTLY — 3500 system/proximitor, front and rear card, sensor, probe, cable 3500/20 3500/61 3500/05-01-02-00-001 3500/40M 176449-01 3500/22M 138607-01
Emerson — modbus card, power panel, controller, power supply, base, power module, switch 1C31,5X00, CE400, A6500-UM, SE3008,1B300,1X00,
EPRO — PR6423 PR6424 PR6425 PR6426 PR9376 PR9268 Data acquisition module, probe, speed sensor, vibration sensor
FOXBORO — FCP270 FCP280 FCM10EF FBM207 P0914TD CP40B FBI10E FBM02 FBM202 FBM207B P0400HE Thermal resistance input/output module, power module, communication module, cable, controller, switch
GE —- IS200/215/220/230/420 DS200/215 IC693/695/697/698 VMICPCI VMIVME 369-HI-R-M-0-0-E 469 module, air switch, I/O module, display, CPU module, power module, converter, CPU board, Ethernet module, integrated protection device, power module, gas turbine card
HIMA — F3 AIO 8/4 01 F3231 F8627X Z7116 F8621A 984862160 F3236 F6217 F7553 DI module, processor module, AI card, pulse encoder
Honeywell — Secure digital output card, program module, analog input card, CPU module, FIM card
MOOG — D136-001-007 Servo valve, controller, module
NI — SCXI-1100 PCI – PXIE – PCIE – SBRIO – CFP-AO-210 USB-6525 Information Acquisition Card, PXI Module, Card
Westinghouse — RTD thermal resistance input module, AI/AO/DI/DO module, power module, control module, base module
Woodward — 9907-164 5466-258 8200-1300 9907-149 9907-838 EASYGEN-3500-5/P2 8440-2145 Regulator, module, controller, governor
YOKOGAWA – Servo module, control cabinet node unit
Main products:
PLC, DCS, CPU module, communication module, input/output module (AI/AO/DI/DO), power module, silicon controlled module, terminal module, PXI module, servo drive, servo motor, industrial display screen, industrial keyboard, controller, encoder, regulator, sensor, I/O board, counting board, optical fiber interface board, acquisition card, gas turbine card, FIM card and other automatic spare parts
ABB — AC 800M controller, Bailey, PM866 controller, IGCT silicon controlled 5SHY 3BHB01 3BHE00 3HNA00 DSQC series
BENTLY — 3500 system/proximitor, front and rear card, sensor, probe, cable 3500/20 3500/61 3500/05-01-02-00-001 3500/40M 176449-01 3500/22M 138607-01
Emerson — modbus card, power panel, controller, power supply, base, power module, switch 1C31,5X00, CE400, A6500-UM, SE3008,1B300,1X00,
EPRO — PR6423 PR6424 PR6425 PR6426 PR9376 PR9268 Data acquisition module, probe, speed sensor, vibration sensor
FOXBORO — FCP270 FCP280 FCM10EF FBM207 P0914TD CP40B FBI10E FBM02 FBM202 FBM207B P0400HE Thermal resistance input/output module, power module, communication module, cable, controller, switch
GE —- IS200/215/220/230/420 DS200/215 IC693/695/697/698 VMICPCI VMIVME 369-HI-R-M-0-0-E 469 module, air switch, I/O module, display, CPU module, power module, converter, CPU board, Ethernet module, integrated protection device, power module, gas turbine card
HIMA — F3 AIO 8/4 01 F3231 F8627X Z7116 F8621A 984862160 F3236 F6217 F7553 DI module, processor module, AI card, pulse encoder
Honeywell — Secure digital output card, program module, analog input card, CPU module, FIM card
MOOG — D136-001-007 Servo valve, controller, module
NI — SCXI-1100 PCI – PXIE – PCIE – SBRIO – CFP-AO-210 USB-6525 Information Acquisition Card, PXI Module, Card
Westinghouse — RTD thermal resistance input module, AI/AO/DI/DO module, power module, control module, base module
Woodward — 9907-164 5466-258 8200-1300 9907-149 9907-838 EASYGEN-3500-5/P2 8440-2145 Regulator, module, controller, governor
YOKOGAWA – Servo module, control cabinet node unit
Main products:
PLC, DCS, CPU module, communication module, input/output module (AI/AO/DI/DO), power module, silicon controlled module, terminal module, PXI module, servo drive, servo motor, industrial display screen, industrial keyboard, controller, encoder, regulator, sensor, I/O board, counting board, optical fiber interface board, acquisition card, gas turbine card, FIM card and other automatic spare parts